Timber Development & Woodland Management
Timber Development
Here at Silvicon, we understand that much of the forest industry has changed in the last few decades. We strive to adapt to those changes with progressive and responsible planning while meeting the financial and logistical needs of our clients. Silvicon stays flexible in what our clients need and creates dynamic plans accordingly.
Our team has a wide variety of abilities and experience, paired registered professionals and in-house GIS staff to successfully carry out your project.
Road Engineering
Silvicon’s engineering department has a highly experienced team who have designed, planned, and implemented various types of roads across British Columbia. We provide our clients with cost-effective plans that fulfil their needs while meeting legislative requirements.
Harvest Development
Silvicon’s timber development department is proficient in all types of harvest systems, including planning and layout, while recognizing the ever-changing landscape of modern forest practices. Our work locations range from the interior to steep coastal regions in the northwest. We cater to the diverse needs each ecosystem requires, while meeting out clients needs.
Riparian Management
At Silvicon, our team works both in the office and field to identify and create riparian management plans. We train staff to classify and manage for riparian features that ensure the highest environmental standards are met.
Woodlands Management
Silvicon has managed woodlots and area-based tenures throughout northern British Columbia over the past forty years. Our woodlands management team has provided all of the work behind the Wet’zinkwa Community Forest Corporation (WCFC) and has led the WCFC since 2007. Together, building a sustainable timber harvest plan, enhancing recreational values within its borders, and encouraging local Wet’suwet’en First Nations’ involvement in their traditional lands has been a priority at Silvicon.
Timber Cruising
We have conducted timber cruising services for over forty years. Throughout this time we have developed a meaningful reputation for our timber surveys, operational cruises, and cruise compilations. We produce timber surveys to address specific client needs.
Timber Reconnaissance
Silvicon conducts timber reconnaissance and timber assessment services for a wide variety of needs and locations. We aim to bring accurate and realistic information about types of timber, volumes, and landscape of proposed project areas.